Functional art and furniture

Functional art and furniture

In recent times, functional art has been given great importance because it has created a synergy with its essence between the everyday, the mundane… and design. It is possible that these concepts may lead us to the idea that we are referring to the more primary concept of craftsmanship that we all know, but we must not confuse the terms of a style that, using a mixture of shapes, colors, materials and craftsmanship, leads to the creation of something unique, intimate and personal that cannot be defined in other models of art.

With the approximation of the original elements that are usually used in the works of this artistic genre, the line that separates the artist from the designer becomes more and more blurred and they converge closer to each other as they go deeper and deeper into it. As a result, designers are increasingly opting for the creation of works of art and unique pieces, limited editions and collections that can have a positive impact on people’s lives.

What can functional art bring to the field of furniture?

Our body is influenced by everything that surrounds us and that we perceive through our senses such as sight, smell, touch… that is why being connected and surrounded by this type of pieces can produce a beneficial and therapeutic reaction for our health, creating emotions and feelings that are not similar to what other artistic decorations can achieve.


People are emotional beings, and the relationship or bond that a piece of art can transmit to us can help us to filter and experiment through it and as a new method of expression.

Here we can see some examples of functional art furniture from our gallery:

Once upon a time, I was a forest-pieza-de-arte
Once upon a time, I was a forest – Eduard Locota
DICKINSONIA 1,2,3 Eric Gizard – Plum bum

We can affirm that the relationship between functional art and the artistic world is gaining more and more strength, as reflected in recent years, in which events and fairs such as Design Miami or Collectible have been held, being events that exhibit works by artists who push the limits of creativity, bringing together pieces of contemporary functional design.

All these events combined with the style of functional art itself, creates a closeness and a connection to a more general public with which they feel more predisposed to acquire these pieces and that little by little generates more curiosity and desire towards them.